Some Common Causes Of Joint Pain And How To Resolve Them

Pain in the hand, feet, pelvis, knees, or back is a common complaint. Pain might be intermittent or persistent. The joint can get stiff, achy, or painful at times. 

A grating or burning feeling has been reported by some patients. It's also possible that the joint will feel tight first thing in the morning, before loosening up and feeling better as the day progresses. 

However, strenuous exertion may aggravate the condition.

A person's ability to move and perform daily activities may be impaired by chronic joint discomfort. Living with constant, acute joint pain can be debilitating. 

Pain is simply one aspect of the problem that needs to be addressed in treatment.

common causes of joint aches

Common Causes of Joint Aches

Tendon injuries

Tendonitis, inflammation, and partial or complete tendon tears are some of the most likely reasons for joint discomfort.

Whenever a muscle attaches to a bone, it does so via an extension called a tendon; these tendons are frequently found in and around joints. This suggests that although you might attribute the discomfort to a joint, it is more likely to originate in a muscle.

Surgery is an option for treating damaged tendons in professional sports. 

Over-the-counter pain relievers, rest, cortisone injections, platelet-rich plasma, and physical therapy are all viable therapeutic options.

To alleviate the strain on the injured muscle, physical therapy can assist strengthen the surrounding muscles.


Gout is a debilitating form of arthritis caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood. This acid seeps into the joints, where it forms crystals in the fluids and tissues of the body.

Getting crystals in the big toe, hand, wrist, or knee can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful.

Avoiding foods like alcohol, red meat, and seafood may help reduce gout flare-ups. Your doctor may recommend medication to reduce the quantity of uric acid present in your blood if dietary changes are ineffective in relieving your discomfort.

This is basically an age-related pain that can be cured through controlling diet and physiotherapy.

Ligament injuries

Pain in the ankles and knees is a common symptom of ligament damage. Bands of connective tissue called ligaments are what hold bones together. Most ligament injuries result from trauma, like a blow to the body.

Ligaments can also be torn in two, just like tendons. While a brace may be necessary for some, certain ligaments can mend on their own. Large tears can only be fixed through surgical intervention.


However, the knees, hands, and hips are the most common sites of osteoarthritic injury. The most common causes of osteoarthritis are being overweight, experiencing a traumatic injury, or not being physically active enough.

It assists to lose weight that way, and physiotherapy can make a huge difference in how you feel. Injections of cortisone or platelet-rich plasma, as well as over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory therapeutic gels and creams, can be helpful (PRP).

Hyaluronic acid injections also constitute a viable treatment option for knee pain. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy allows doctors to draw platelets from a patient's blood and inject them directly into an injured area of the cartilage, tendon, or bone.

Also, topical medications like Elyxr advanced pain relief roll-on can also be used to treat issues like this.

Frozen shoulder

A frozen shoulder causes shoulder pain and stiffness.

A capsule joins the two shoulder bones and facilitates ball-and-socket movement. Inflamed capsules are painful. You'll realize you can't move your shoulder.

Frozen shoulder normally resolves on its own, but steroid injections can relieve inflammation. Hydrodilatation, the administration of sterile fluid to enlarge the shoulder joint area, helps restore shoulder motion. Physiotherapy helps.

Auto-immune diseases

Joint discomfort is a common symptom of autoimmune illnesses including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. These disorders, which may be induced by a viral infection, are predisposed to some individuals at birth.

These autoimmune disorders tend to affect women in their twenties and thirties more frequently than males, and they frequently manifest as discomfort in the hands, feet, and other tiny joints.

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