Inflammation - A Common Problem You Need to Relieve

Often, inflammation can be the cause of your body’s unease. Various reasons can cause inflammation, and there are different reasons why your body experiences it. Inflammation causes all kinds of pain, whether numbing, aching, dull, or sharp. Pain relief products are effective in easing the sensation of pain. However, understanding inflammation is necessary before buying medicines.

What is inflammation?

Ever wondered why the inflamed area burns and turns red? Inflammation results from an injury where the blood vessels try to draw blood to the affected area by expanding themselves. It is the body’s natural protection against tissue damage, bacteria, and viruses.

The immune system regulates this defensive response, dispatching white blood cells to the affected areas. Hence, the swelling and redness; in some cases, fever.

Injuries are typical for a person living their daily life. You may undergo high levels of pressure where receiving some damage is usual. The human body typically repairs minor damages itself. Insignificant injuries do not lead to inflammatory symptoms while your body repairs. But if it is a little more than a minor issue, using a pain relief product can be beneficial.

symptoms of chronic inflammation

What are the usual symptoms of inflammation? 

If it is a minor problem, it will heal automatically depending on the severity of the inflammation. However, severe inflammation can be extensive and painful. Average remedies may be unable to provide an effective solution. Your symptoms will usually depend on the body part the inflammation has affected and also the reason causing it. You may experience five signs that indicate you have some inflammation in your body.

  • Pain

  • Redness

  • Heat

  • Swelling

  • Difficulty moving the affected body parts.

What are the symptoms of chronic inflammation? 

While acute inflammation leads to noticeable symptoms, chronic inflammation usually has subtle indications that people often overlook. These include: 

  • Weight gain

  • Body ache

  • Fatigue and insomnia

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Infections

  • Gastrointestinal problems

Although you may not initially pay attention to them, they can be either mild or severe, lasting for months or, worse, years. So, ensure using the best pain relief rub before the symptoms worsen. 

What are the causes of chronic inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is usual in industrial workers because they get extensive exposure to polluted air and industrial chemicals. But they are not the only ones. If you have an autoimmune disorder, your immune system will attack healthy tissues, causing inflammation. Also, those who leave acute inflammation, such as an injury or infection, unchecked suffer from it. 

Chronic inflammation may also result from habits like smoking, alcohol, and chronic stress.

Note: These problems may not result in chronic inflammation in every individual. Additionally, some cases do not involve a determined underlying cause.

How does chronic inflammation affect the body?

Do you still think chronic inflammation is negligible? Let us give you an insight. When you leave it untreated, your body’s inflammatory response may gradually damage healthy organs, tissues, and cells. The result is internal scarring, tissue death, and DNA damage. So, what does it do? 

  • Cancer

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Asthma

  • Heart disease

  • Obesity

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Dementia and cognitive decline

You may already understand that pain relief products cannot treat these conditions. So, curing inflammation is the thing you need. 

How to diagnose chronic inflammation? 

You do not have specific tests to diagnose it. However, specific blood tests may help, such as the ones that pinpoint CRP (C-reactive protein) and hsCRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein). They highlight inflammation or infection in the joints and other areas and heart inflammation, respectively. 

Most people do not know they have chronic inflammation before they are diagnosed with another disease. Consult your doctor if you think you have some symptoms of chronic inflammation. They can suggest the steps to identify it.

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